Diese Site ist im alleinigen Besitz von DK3HV. Bitte sofortige Meldung an den Author bei auffälligen Verstössen gegen Urheberrechte
We moved 2002 from Krefeld to the Munich area. To find a nice house in MUnich on rental base is not so easy, to find one with an antenna permission is even more complicate. Both could be managed.
I did not spend the biggest focus on Ham Radio due to the fact that we were now living in one of themost popular regions in germany. We used the time to discover all the places where others spend their vacation. we could reach in a few minutes by car.
Worked mostly 2m SSB and 6m DX. To work 2m SSB so close to tahe Alps was a great new woring conditions... turning the antenna towards the mountains and be able to work I4 stations anytime on 2m.... great